OpenTelemetry Collector Chart

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The OpenTelemetry Collector is an important tool for monitoring a Kubernetes cluster and all the services that in within. To facilitate installation and management of a collector deployment in a Kubernetes the OpenTelemetry community created the OpenTelemetry Collector Helm Chart. This helm chart can be used to install a collector as a Deployment, Daemonset, or Statefulset.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-opentelemetry-collector, run the following commands:

helm repo add open-telemetry helm install my-opentelemetry-collector open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector \ --set image.repository="otel/opentelemetry-collector-k8s" \ --set mode=<daemonset|deployment|statefulset> \


The OpenTelemetry Collector Chart requires that mode is set. mode can be either daemonset, deployment, or statefulset depending on which kind of Kubernetes deployment your use case requires.

When installed, the chart provides a few default collector components to get you started. By default, the collector’s config will look like:

exporters: # NOTE: Prior to v0.86.0 use `logging` instead of `debug`. debug: {} extensions: health_check: {} processors: batch: {} memory_limiter: check_interval: 5s limit_percentage: 80 spike_limit_percentage: 25 receivers: jaeger: protocols: grpc: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:14250 thrift_compact: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:6831 thrift_http: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:14268 otlp: protocols: grpc: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:4317 http: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:4318 prometheus: config: scrape_configs: - job_name: opentelemetry-collector scrape_interval: 10s static_configs: - targets: - ${env:MY_POD_IP}:8888 zipkin: endpoint: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:9411 service: extensions: - health_check pipelines: logs: exporters: - debug processors: - memory_limiter - batch receivers: - otlp metrics: exporters: - debug processors: - memory_limiter - batch receivers: - otlp - prometheus traces: exporters: - debug processors: - memory_limiter - batch receivers: - otlp - jaeger - zipkin telemetry: metrics: address: ${env:MY_POD_IP}:8888

The chart will also enable ports based on the default receivers. Default configuration can be removed by setting the value to null in your values.yaml. Ports can be disabled in the values.yaml as well.

You can add/modify any part of the configuration using the config section in your values.yaml. When changing a pipeline, you must explicitly list all the components that are in the pipeline, including any default components.

For example, to disable metrics and logging pipelines and non-otlp receivers:

config: receivers: jaeger: null prometheus: null zipkin: null service: pipelines: traces: receivers: - otlp metrics: null logs: null ports: jaeger-compact: enabled: false jaeger-thrift: enabled: false jaeger-grpc: enabled: false zipkin: enabled: false

All the configuration options (with comments) available in the chart can be viewed in its values.yaml file.


Many of the important components the OpenTelemetry Collector uses to monitor Kubernetes require special setup in the Collector’s own Kubernetes deployment. In order to make using these components easier, the OpenTelemetry Collector Chart comes with some presets that, when enabled, handle the complex setup for these important components.

Presets should be used as a starting point. They configure basic, but rich, functionality for their related components. If your use case requires extra configuration of these components it is recommend to NOT use the preset and instead manually configure the component and anything it requires (volumes, RBAC, etc.).

Logs Collection Preset

The OpenTelemetry Collector can be used to collect logs sent to standard output by Kubernetes containers.

This feature is disabled by default. It has the following requirements in order to be safely enabled:

  • It requires the Filelog receiver be included in the Collector image, such as the Contrib distribution of the Collector.
  • Although not a strict requirement, it is recommended this preset be used with mode=daemonset. The filelogreceiver will only be able to collect logs on the node the Collector is running and multiple configured Collectors on the same node will produce duplicate data.

To enable this feature, set the presets.logsCollection.enabled property to true. When enabled, the chart will add a filelogreceiver to the logs pipeline. This receiver is configured to read the files where Kubernetes container runtime writes all containers’ console output (/var/log/pods/*/*/*.log).

Here is an example values.yaml:

mode: daemonset presets: logsCollection: enabled: true

The chart’s default logs pipeline uses the debugexporter. Paired with the logsCollection preset’s filelogreceiver it is easy to accidentally feed the exported logs back into the collector, which can cause a “log explosion”.

To prevent the looping, the default configuration of the receiver excludes the collector’s own logs. If you want to include the collector’s logs, make sure to replace the debug exporter with an exporter that does not send logs to collector’s standard output.

Here’s an example values.yaml that replaces the default debug exporter on the logs pipeline with an otlphttp exporter that sends the container logs to endpoint. It also uses presets.logsCollection.includeCollectorLogs to tell the preset to enable collection of the collector’s logs.

mode: daemonset presets: logsCollection: enabled: true includeCollectorLogs: true config: exporters: otlphttp: endpoint: service: pipelines: logs: exporters: - otlphttp

Kubernetes Attributes Preset

The OpenTelemetry Collector can be configured to add Kubernetes metadata, such as,, and, to logs, metrics and traces. It is highly recommended to use the preset, or enable the k8sattributesprocessor manually.

Due to RBAC considerations, this feature is disabled by default. It has the following requirements:

To enable this feature, set the presets.kubernetesAttributes.enabled property to true. When enabled, the chart will add the necessary RBAC roles to the ClusterRole and will add a k8sattributesprocessor to each enabled pipeline.

Here is an example values.yaml:

mode: daemonset presets: kubernetesAttributes: enabled: true

Kubelet Metrics Preset

The OpenTelemetry Collector can be configured to collect node, pod, and container metrics from the API server on a kubelet.

This feature is disabled by default. It has the following requirements:

  • It requires the Kubeletstats receiver be included in the Collector image, such as the Contrib distribution of the Collector.
  • Although not a strict requirement, it is recommended this preset be used with mode=daemonset. The kubeletstatsreceiver will only be able to collect metrics on the node the Collector is running and multiple configured Collectors on the same node will produce duplicate data.

To enable this feature, set the presets.kubeletMetrics.enabled property to true. When enabled, the chart will add the necessary RBAC roles to the ClusterRole and will add a kubeletstatsreceiver to the metrics pipeline.

Here is an example values.yaml:

mode: daemonset presets: kubeletMetrics: enabled: true

Cluster Metrics Preset

The OpenTelemetry Collector can be configured to collect cluster-level metrics from the Kubernetes API server. These metrics include many of the metrics collected by Kube State Metrics.

This feature is disabled by default. It has the following requirements:

  • It requires the Kubernetes Cluster receiver be included in the Collector image, such as the Contrib distribution of the Collector.
  • Although not a strict requirement, it is recommended this preset be used with mode=deployment or mode=statefulset with a single replica. Running k8sclusterreceiver on multiple Collectors will produce duplicate data.

To enable this feature, set the presets.clusterMetrics.enabled property to true. When enabled, the chart will add the necessary RBAC roles to the ClusterRole and will add a k8sclusterreceiver to the metrics pipeline.

Here is an example values.yaml:

mode: deployment replicaCount: 1 presets: clusterMetrics: enabled: true

Kubernetes Events Preset

The OpenTelemetry Collector can be configured to collect Kubernetes events.

This feature is disabled by default. It has the following requirements:

  • It requires the Kubernetes Objects receiver be included in the Collector image, such as the Contrib distribution of the Collector.
  • Although not a strict requirement, it is recommended this preset be used with mode=deployment or mode=statefulset with a single replica. Running k8sclusterreceiver on multiple Collectors will produce duplicate data.

To enable this feature, set the presets.kubernetesEvents.enabled property to true. When enabled, the chart will add the necessary RBAC roles to the ClusterRole and will add a k8sobjectsreceiver to the logs pipeline configure to only collector events.

Here is an example values.yaml:

mode: deployment replicaCount: 1 presets: kubernetesEvents: enabled: true

Host Metrics Preset

The OpenTelemetry Collector can be configured to collect host metrics from Kubernetes nodes.

This feature is disabled by default. It has the following requirements:

  • It requires the Host Metrics receiver be included in the Collector image, such as the Contrib distribution of the Collector.
  • Although not a strict requirement, it is recommended this preset be used with mode=daemonset. The hostmetricsreceiver will only be able to collect metrics on the node the Collector is running and multiple configured Collectors on the same node will produce duplicate data.

To enable this feature, set the presets.hostMetrics.enabled property to true. When enabled, the chart will add the necessary volumes and volumeMounts and will add a hostmetricsreceiver to the metrics pipeline. By default metrics will be scrapped every 10 seconds and the following scrappers are enabled:

  • cpu
  • load
  • memory
  • disk
  • filesystem[^1]
  • network

Here is an example values.yaml:

mode: daemonset presets: hostMetrics: enabled: true

[^1] due to some overlap with the kubeletMetrics preset some filesystem types and mount points are excluded by default.

Dernière modification February 6, 2025: [IA] Link normalization step of (#6232) (99a39c5e)